PostNL once more delivers more than 6,000 Sports and Party Parcels this year
The Hague, 11 April 2019 - This year, PostNL will once more deliver the King’s Games Sports and Party Parcel (Koningsspelen Sport en Feestpakket) to all primary schools that participate in the 2019 King’s Games.

For the seventh year in a row, PostNL will deliver more than 6,000 parcels to the participating schools in the Netherlands. This also includes the schools in the Kingdom’s Caribbean region. In cooperation with the Foundation for Dutch Education Abroad (Stichting Nederlands Onderwijs in het Buitenland), PostNL also takes care of the distribution to the Dutch schools abroad that celebrate the King’s Games.
The King’s Games Sports and Party Parcels are being sorted at the PostNL parcel sorting centre in Amsterdam. The parcels are then dispatched from that location to all participating schools.