Adjustment to agenda for the PostNL 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

16 April 2021, The Hague – The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PostNL NV will be held on 20 April 2021. There is an adjustment to the agenda for the meeting.

Agnes Jongerius has decided to waive her reappointment in view of her work as a member of the European Parliament. Therefore, the proposed reappointment of Agnes Jongerius as a member of the Supervisory Board has been withdrawn. Jan Nooitgedagt, Chairman of the Supervisory Board: “We fully respect Agnes’s decision and understand the choice she is making. On behalf of the Supervisory Board I would like to thank her for her hard work and the commitment to PostNL she has shown during her eight-year tenure, in which we have achieved a lot together. With her knowledge and experience in the area of labour and working conditions, she has made a real contribution to the development of the company’s policies. I wish her all the best for the future.”

In due course, the Supervisory Board will propose a new board member to shareholders. This appointment will be made in accordance with the enhanced recommendation right of the Central Works Council.