Stamp prices unchanged in 2022

The Hague, the Netherlands, 28 October 2021 Stamp prices for letters in the Netherlands will not change next year and are confirmed at their 2021 rate of €0.96.

Postage prices in 2022

2022, reflecting the positive contributions of both Sandd postal volumes and one-off volume increases in consumer post due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Unchanged basic rates in 2022 fit in with the recently changed Postal Regulation, which facilitates moderate price trends in subsequent years.

The postage rate is set at €0.90 for customers using franking machines. A stamp on a letter abroad will cost €1.55. Business rates for sending post abroad and within the Netherlands will go up, while PostNL’s business product offering will be made clearer and simpler.

Mail’s continuing relevance

Resi Becker, Director of Mail in the Netherlands, commented: “Many recognise the relevance of mail, as we’ve found out during the coronavirus pandemic when people have been sending each other more cards. That said, postal volumes continue to decline across the board. PostNL aims to keep mail reliable, accessible and affordable while being a good employer and a financially healthy company. And so we’re keeping stamp prices the same next year, while adjusting our processes further to reflect declining volumes in order to save on costs.”

Parcel prices in 2022

There will be no changes to basic postage for sending parcels within the Netherlands and from the Netherlands abroad. A regular parcel will still cost €7.25 to send in the Netherlands in 2022, €0.50 less if the preparatory work is done online.

Covid-19 surcharge

The pandemic-related temporary surcharge for parcels sent outside Europe will stay in place from 15 November 2021, but will be reduced, as air traffic may be rising but transport capacity remains scarce.

All rates and prices

From today, PostNL’s full product offering and prices for 2022 can be seen at (in Dutch). In addition, business customers will be advised of the rate changes via the usual channels.