Board of Management

Responsible for setting and implementing our mission, vision and strategy

The Board of Management is responsible for the company’s objectives, strategy and culture, for its risk profile as laid down in the strategy, the company’s financing, for its non-financial policy, external communication and for its compliance with all relevant legislation. It is also responsible for the continuity and management of the company as a whole. The Board of Management currently consists of two members.

Herna Verhagen

Chief Executive Officer

H.W.P.M.A. (Herna) Verhagen (1966, Dutch) became Chief Executive Officer on 24 April 2012. Prior to this, she had served as member of the Board of Management of PostNL N.V. since 31 May 2011.


Herna Verhagen joined one of the legal predecessors of PostNL in 1991 as a sales manager. She went on to occupy roles including Marketing & Sales Director, Coordinating Managing Director Mail NL in the Mail division and Managing Director Group HR at TNT.


Herna's portfolio includes corporate strategy, public affairs, communications, corporate responsibility, human resources and internal audit. She is responsible for Mail in the Netherlands, Parcels, International (Spring) and IT.

Other positions

Ms Verhagen is a member of the supervisory board of ING Group and Philips. She is a member of the supervisory board of the Concertgebouw.

Pim Berendsen

Chief Financial Officer

P. (Pim) Berendsen (1973, Dutch) became Chief Financial Officer and member of the Board of Management of PostNL N.V. on 18 April 2018.


Pim Berendsen joined PostNL and its legal predecessors in 2000 and went on to hold various positions, including Financial Director and, successively, Managing Director of the Data and Document Management unit, Financial Director of Euromail, and Manager of Strategy and M&A at Cendris. Between 2013 and 2015, he was director of corporate development at Van Gansewinkel Group before returning to PostNL in 2015 to become a member of the Executive Committee, responsible for international, M&A and growth. He started his career as an international tax adviser at Arthur Andersen.


Mr Berendsen is responsible for Finance, Legal, Procurement & Services, Investor Relations, M&A Tax and the integrator proposition.

Other positions

Mr Berendsen is a chair of the board of advice of Endeit Investment Fund, chair of the Johan Cruyff Foundation, non-executive member of the board of Whistl and a member of the executive committee and general board of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW).

Support of the Board of Management

The Board of Management incorporated the following bodies to ensure compliance with applicable corporate governance requirements: the Disclosure Committee and the Integrity Committee. Specific staff departments – including Internal Audit, Legal, Tax, Procurement & Services, Human Resources, Investor Relations, Treasury, Public Affairs, Communications and Finance – support the Board of Management and the business segments in the performance of their duties and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Disclosure Committee

The Disclosure Committee advises and assists the Board of Management in ensuring compliance with regulations regarding the publication of price-sensitive information. The Disclosure Committee comprises the CFO, Legal Director, the Director of Communications and Investor Relations and the Corporate Secretary, and reports directly to the Board of Management.

Integrity Committee

The Integrity Committee advises and assists the Board of Management in developing, implementing and monitoring Group policies aimed at enhancing integrity and ethical behaviour and at preventing fraud. The Committee oversees investigations based on reports of possible breaches of our business principles and related policies. The Integrity Committee reports directly to the Board of Management. Read more about integrity.