The projects our fund supports
Stichting Jarige Job
Every child deserves a birthday. The PostNL Special Moments Fund helps deliver Jarige Job birthday boxes.
Local welfare organisations
If deliverers notice that something isn't quite right with a resident, they can anonymously report this to a local welfare organisation.
Cards for the neighbourhood
Stichting Kinderpostzegels
The PostNL Special Moments Fund supports the children's stamp campaign by Stichting Kinderpostzegels every year.
Salvation Army
Our parcel lockers help to raise awareness of the community living rooms of the Salvation Army.
National Foundation for the Elderly
Every year, we deliver thousands of Christmas cards to lonely elderly people during the Great Christmas Card Campaign.
King's Games
We deliver the sports and party packs to all schools participating in the King's Games.
De Mussen
We share knowledge with community centre De Mussen, our neighbours in The Hague's Schilderswijk.
Organisations Where PostNL Colleagues Are Active
Twice a year, we give 100 donations to associations and foundations where PostNL colleagues are active as volunteers.
Salvation Army
Everyone is welcome in the community living rooms of the Salvation Army for a cup of coffee and a chat. We place parcel lockers at these community living rooms to raise awareness. Additionally, for each parcel in the locker, we donate an amount to the Salvation Army. These donations are used for a cup of coffee or a bowl of soup.
What can you do?
Do you have your parcel delivered to the parcel locker at a Salvation Army community living room? Then you automatically support the Salvation Army. Feel free to drop by a community living room for a chat, you are more than welcome.
Stichting Jarige Job
Stichting Jarige Job gives children from less privileged homes a birthday box for an unforgettable day. It contains everything needed for a real birthday celebration, so they can celebrate both at home and at school. Since 2016, we have been delivering these birthday boxes.
What can you do?
You can also make a kind gesture. Every January, we ask everyone in the Netherlands to donate a birthday gift. Using a free shipping label, you can send the gift to Stichting Jarige Job at no cost. Want to do something the rest of the year? Take a look at the website of Stichting Jarige Job.

‘It is wonderful to see how many people support this initiative. PostNL employees also help us with words and deeds. With all this help, children can have a real birthday celebration. And that is an incredibly beautiful gesture.’
Huib Lloyd, founder of Stichting Jarige Job
National Foundation for the Elderly
The National Foundation for the Elderly aims to prevent loneliness, reduce vulnerability, and promote self-reliance among the elderly. Together with us and Kidsweek, they organise the Great Christmas Card Campaign every year. Through this, we, along with schoolchildren, deliver as many warm Christmas wishes as possible to the elderly, so they feel a bit less alone during the holidays.
What can you do?
Send a Christmas card during the Great Christmas Card Campaign to the National Foundation for the Elderly. This way, you create a moment of happiness for lonely elderly people.

Local Welfare Organisations
Deliverers see a lot of what happens in the neighbourhoods where they deliver mail or parcels. Sometimes they might feel that something isn't quite right with someone. Someone may show confused behaviour, the curtains remain closed all day, or the mail piles up on the doormat. Deliverers can voluntarily and anonymously report their concerns about a resident to a local welfare organisation. For this, we collaborate with the sector organisation Sociaal Werk Nederland.

Cards for the Neighbourhood
Deliverers can pop a card through the letterbox to surprise or support residents during special moments. They might hear or see that a baby has been born, a move is coming up, or even that a loved one has passed away. To show their support, deliverers can leave a card with a personal message.
Stichting Kinderpostzegels
Stichting Kinderpostzegels is the charity organisation by and for children. They ensure that hundreds of thousands of children feel more confident. Each year, they organise the children's stamp campaign, where primary school students go door to door to support their peers. We support this campaign by issuing the children's stamps since 1924 and delivering the campaign packages to schools for free.
What can you do?
Buy the children's stamps in the autumn and contribute to equal opportunities for children.
King's Games
With the King's Games, we show that being active is healthy and fun. The day consists of a breakfast and joint, sporty activities. We deliver the sports and party packs for the King's Games to all participating schools. The pack contains sports products, such as a ball trampoline with balls and a ladder to practice balance. In 2023, we delivered packs for 1.3 million students from 6,000 primary schools.

‘Every time I walk in with the sports and party pack, the children at the schools get super excited.’
Parcel deliverer Gillio de Jesus on the King's Games
De Mussen
De Mussen in The Hague's Schilderswijk is the oldest community centre in the Netherlands. The community centre provides children, young people, and parents in the neighbourhood with opportunities to develop. Our headquarters is located in Schilderswijk. By sharing our knowledge, we aim to increase development opportunities for the residents of this neighbourhood. For example, colleagues help as mentors for residents looking for work. Our IT colleagues also give away refurbished laptops.